Practiced ELA terms and practice questions.
June 20, 2017
Use the following resources to support your preparation for the Socials and ELA PATs along with the review booklets received in the classroom.
PAT Social Studies Term and Concept Review
June 19, 2017
Thank you for sharing your poetry today!
June 15, 2017
One period: getting ready for Poet's Cafe on Monday. Students will present a written poem (could be carpe diem; lyric; or my favorite things) along with a chosen poem of their choice (but can not be a song). Moreover, students found kid-friendly poems to share with their reading buddies on Friday.
One period: Chapter 9 booklet
June 14, 2017
Double Periods to complete Individual Response to CASH Project.
June 13, 2017
Double CASH - Prepare for CASH presentations. Refer to rubric to support your planning and group conversations.
June 12, 2017
Double Hum for CASH trifold building.
June 9, 2017
Double CASH periods! Be ready to create and build trifolds on Monday.
June 8, 2017
Double Period: Introduced "My Favorite Things" poem. Class brainstorm of favorite things and individual writing using the provided poem structure. Due on Monday.
Julie Andrews: My Favorite Things link:
June 7, 2017
Consumerism Task
Lyric Poem
June 6, 2017
Media Literacy and advertising techniques
Lyric Poem
June 5, 2017
Double CASH periods today. All sections for the project should be complete -- with you thinking about your "snowball" environmental disaster scenario you received today. Please complete response for your trifold. Study stop needs to be utilized this week to support you working on your documents -scale map; final copy of paragraphs.
Upcoming dates:
June 9 - service hours due
June 12 - all missing assignments due
June 12-13 - CASH trifold building (make arrangements for study stop time)
June 13 - Come for CASH evening (5:00-6:30pm)
June 2, 2017
Carpe Diem Poem due Tuesday, June 6. Follow the link for the assignment.
Dead Poet's Society:
Ask yourself:
· What
does an extra-ordinary life look like to you?
· How
will you seize the day and make it extra-ordinary?
· What
would someone who is older wish they had done differently?
· What
will you change to seize the day?
· What
have you already overcome or need to overcome to seize the day?
June 1, 2017
CASH Goals for today:
- River City Report (one per group handed in)
- Environmental Policy
- Scale map: 5 major cities (capital city should be one); environment policy;
May 31, 2017
Today we started our poetry unit.
Students on the field trip need to:
-First view this video
-Take down these notes
-Read the poem Mother to Son by Langston Hughes.
Answer the attached question sheet.
RED Group: Complete Question #5/6 for Mother to Son Analysis for Friday.
May 30, 2017
Double CASH periods!
May 29, 2017
Red Group Field Testing today! Good work! Here is a link to continue practicing for your PATs:
May 25, 2017
Last 2 days we have been digging deeper in our society organization with political and economic systems. Good work in recording your conversations in Google Docs. Extend your thinking with what visuals support our communication on the trifold. For Monday, you need to have a good handle on the following sections of the CASH booklet:
- Values and Beliefs
- Political System
- Economic System
May 23, 2017
SERVICE HOURS need to be completed by Friday, June 9. 10 hours can come from school, community, or a mix of both.
RED TEAM:Good work with in class writing today! Watched "Story of Stuff". Here is a link if you were absent:
For Thursday - Complete your Story of Stuff questions: first page chart; 4,5,7. For the definitions use the context of the documentary you watched.
May 18, 2017
RED TEAM: Pick a question and plan out your response for Tuesday. You will have class time to write your paragraph to one of the following questions.
Question 1: Explain in detail what guaranteed minimum income is. What is a negative income tac?
Questions 2: Compare guaranteed minimum income and negative tax proposals to the system we have today and determine which you would support. Justify your position.
May 17, 2017
Chapter 8 Assessment - What are Guaranteed Minimum incomes and would they be an effective replacement for social programs
Click here to listen/read the podcast
RED TEAM: Pick a question and plan out your response for Tuesday. You will have class time to write your paragraph to one of the following questions.
Question 1: Explain in detail what guaranteed minimum income is. What is a negative income tac?
Questions 2: Compare guaranteed minimum income and negative tax proposals to the system we have today and determine which you would support. Justify your position.
May 16, 2017
Review CASH country statistics and implications for building a society.
May 15, 2017
Individually reflect on beliefs and values of human nature and society. CASH launch!
May 8, 2017
Reviewed taxation models, worked on Chapter 8 booklet, worked on Lamb to the Slaughter questions.
PAT Pencil Case Prep:
- pencils/erasers
- blue/black pen
- dictionary/thesaurus
- book to read when finished
May 5, 2017
9-3/9-4: Complete your taxation models worksheet for Monday. We will review this in class so be prepared to discuss your answers. As well, complete your character analysis for "Lamb to the Slaughter" short story.
Link to "Lamb to the Slaughter" Story
May 4, 2017
Social programs notes.
Started working on the assignment around different taxation systems. You will have some time tomorrow to work on it.
May 3, 2017
Reviewed PAT exemplar essay and narratives for overcoming obstacles. Started Chapter 8 - Social Programs.
May 2, 2017
Good work peer and teacher editing! Keep writing!
"V" students- Your completed essay outline and introduction are due tomorrow. The topic of the essay is "Discuss how the media you consume shapes your perspective."
Sailers - Your completed outline and intro are due as well tomorrow. You question is "Discuss the importance of travel in shaping a person's perspective."
May 1, 2017
9-3 Good work today with your in class practice essay. ELA Part A - Essay/business letter next Tuesday, May 9. If you were absent today, maybe you can write a narrative or essay on "The importance of Overcoming Obstacles" at home and be ready on Tuesday for teacher and peer editing. For those non-sailers, be ready with Film study sheets completed for V for Vendetta.
April 27, 2017
Film study sheets should be filled out in detail for Tuesday. V for Vendetta is currently streaming on Netflix if you missed it or need a refresher to better fill it out.
Sailers you will be doing a different activity.
Flex Friday tomorrow.
April 25, 2017
Chapter 6 Test on Wednesday!
April 24, 2017
Chapter 6 Test --Tuesday for sailors and Wednesday for remainder of the class. Complete your Chapter 6 review and vocabulary.
April 20, 2017
Reviewed business letter rubric and completed a spectrum analysis for political and economic systems.
April 19, 2017
Reviewed supply and demand. Completed an interactive Jungle or Zoo activity. We will pick up on the discussion questions on Thursday.
April 18, 2017
We looked at competition and its influence on price. Then we looked at supply and demand. Supply and demand worksheet is due tomorrow.
April 13, 2017
For Tuesday, ensure the following items are complete and ready for discussion:
- Lorax: "After watching" questions
- What do YOU think the Lorax's message "UNLESS" means? Paragraph
SEXC Paragraph for:
"UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
What do YOU think the Lorax's message "UNLESS" means?
April 11, 2017
Watched "The Lorax" and answered before and during watching questions. Please complete "After Watching" questions for homework and be ready to discuss on Wednesday.
Check it out here:
Complete Business letters --have them printed and ready to hand in on Wednesday.
April 10, 2017
Reviewed business letter rubric (content and content management). Practiced writing another business letter (Title Google Doc Business Letter 2 Your Name) and Chapter 6 vocabulary.
April 7, 2017
Great images for practicing writing and enhancing creativity!
April 6, 2017
Continued to further look into scarcity; production; and economic systems. Completed business letter and envelope. We will do peer edits on Friday.
Business Letter Format |
Formatting Business Letter |
Addressing an Envelope |
April 5, 2017
In class writing of a practice business letter and we will continue this task on Thursday. As well as an introduction to Chapter 6: Resources - Land- Labour- Capital
April 4, 2017
Business Letter - in class writing on Wednesday. Good work on your envelopes. Ray of Sunshine for Wednesday (visual and response).
April 3, 2017
Worked on our Ray of Sunshine task and started learning about business letters. We will continue this work on Tuesday.
March 22, 2017
Intro to Poetry:
ARTWARSS Poem analysis for Dear Basketball.
March 21, 2017
Wrote Chapter 5 Multiple Choice and Written test today. Bring in your favorite song lyrics in on Wednesday.
March 20, 2017
Your Chapter 5 test is tomorrow. You will have to answer one of the following questions in a detailed paragraph:
1. How are the Changes to Canadian Policies on Immigration and Refugees a reflection of world issues?
2. What impact does increasing immigration have on aboriginal peoples and communities?
3. How are provincial governments able to influence and implement immigration policies?
4. How is the implementation of immigration policies in Quebec an attempt to strengthen the French language in North America?
5. What is the relationship between immigration policies in Canada and the Rights guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
6. To what extent does Canada benefit from immigration?
Today we prepared our index card notes for the short answer portion of the test (which you will receive after you hand in your scantron).
After that we worked on the good copies of our storybooks. They are due tomorrow.
March 17, 2017
2. What impact does increasing immigration have on aboriginal peoples and communities?
3. How are provincial governments able to influence and implement immigration policies?
4. How is the implementation of immigration policies in Quebec an attempt to strengthen the French language in North America?
5. What is the relationship between immigration policies in Canada and the Rights guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
6. To what extent does Canada benefit from immigration?
March 16, 2017
Storybook research should completed. Should be writing a draft plan and check in on Friday.
March 15, 2017
Started the Immigration story book task with our partner. Completing the graphic organizer to gather information to support our story writing.
Upcoming dates:
Tuesday, March 21:
- Chapter 5 Test
- Immigration Story book due
March 14, 2017
Period 1: Character Development - what characteristics make an effective character? Analyze your image and tell us your character's story?
Period 2: Introduction Chapter 5 Videos:
Immigration Video Part 1:
Immigration Video Part 2:
March 13, 2017
Period 1: Citizenship Test
Period 2: Art visual for Refugees Poem - Tuesday
March 9, 2017
ARTWARSS Poem Analysis for Monday. Here is the poem.
They have no need of our
So do not tell me
These haggard faces could belong to you or me
Should life have dealt a different hand
We need to see them for who they really are
Chancers and scroungers
Layabouts and loungers
With bombs up their sleeves
Cut-throats and thieves
They are not
Welcome here
We should make them
Go back to where they came from
They cannot
Share our food
Share our homes
Share our countries
Instead let us
Build a wall to keep them out
It is not okay to say
These are people just like us
A place should only belong to those who are born there
Do not be so stupid to think that
The world can be looked at another way
(now read from bottom to top)
So do not tell me
These haggard faces could belong to you or me
Should life have dealt a different hand
We need to see them for who they really are
Chancers and scroungers
Layabouts and loungers
With bombs up their sleeves
Cut-throats and thieves
They are not
Welcome here
We should make them
Go back to where they came from
They cannot
Share our food
Share our homes
Share our countries
Instead let us
Build a wall to keep them out
It is not okay to say
These are people just like us
A place should only belong to those who are born there
Do not be so stupid to think that
The world can be looked at another way
(now read from bottom to top)
March 8, 2017
Started Chapter 5: Immigration with a learning circle. We shared where we are from and what brought us to Canada. We identified push and pull factors.
March 7, 2017
Fantastic speeches!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us!
March 6, 2017
Period 1: Completed Chapter 3/4 Test. If you were absent please be ready to write when you return to school.
Period 2: Speeches and sharing our bundles!
March 3, 2017
- Review Charter and Collective Rights notes and assignments in preparation for Chapter 3/4 test.
- Free Verse Poem - summary of Elder in the Making
- Be ready to present your speech (2 minutes +/- 30 seconds; one index card)
Watched our last episode of Elder in the Making (Episode 6). Completed journal response. Please ensure all journal responses are completed as we will take a look at them next week.
Elder in the Making Episode 6:
Episode 6 |
March 2, 2017
Watched Elder in the Making Episode 4 and 5 today. Completed journal responses and had a class discussion.
Elder in the Making Episode 4
Episode 4 Highlights |
Elder in the Making Episode 5
Episode 5 Highlights |
Started student-teacher speech conferences and will continue on Friday. Please ensure you have a printed copy of your speech and are ready to present to a peer for feedback.
March 1, 2017
Speech: need a subject; hook; 3 main points; conclusion. Come ready for your student-teacher speech conference.
Completed a journal reflection and a tanka poem.
Student Example:
My Environment
Bisons and buffaloes gone
Bare and empty land
Ecology changed forever
Understanding connections now
You can view Episode 3 by viewing this link:
Annotating for Episode 3 |
February 28, 2017
First Period: Watched Episode 2 of Elder in the Making. We wrote original haikus reflecting our understanding of the episode. Look forward to hearing them in class on Wednesday. As well, started working on journal response 2 on understanding our histories.
Elder in the Making Episode 2: You can view Episode 2 using this link:
Practiced annotating skills with Episode 2 |
Second Period: Introduced speech assignment. Need a speech topic and introduction started for Wednesday.
February 27, 2017
Elder in the Making Episode 1: You can view Episode 1 using this link:
Started journalling through this documentary today. We looked at "What does Elder mean to me?". We created an acrostic poem to demonstrate our understanding as a class. Please ensure you have completed an acrostic poem in your journal. As well, we completed a journal response to stereotypes. If you were absent please see "Monday Extra Copies" folder for your journal prompts.
9-3's Working Definition of Elder |
Chapter 3/4 Test on Monday, March 6.
February 23, 2017
Presentations of projects today. Anyone who does not present today will present tomorrow.
February 17, 2017
One period: Chapter 4 Presentation prep. One period Chapter 4 booklet - should be close to finishing. If you were away today please check in with your group and make arrangements to fulfill your responsibilities.
Did you know:
"O Canada" (original title: "Chant national"), written by Calixa Lavallee and Sir Adolphe-Baile Routhier, is first performed in Quebec City. It will take 87 years before the song is officially adopted as Canada's national anthem.
February 15, 2017
Double period to work on Chapter 4 project. Ensure you have created a Google Doc and sharing and communicating information amongst the group. Divide and conquer the task to have equal contributions to your presentation.
February 14, 2017
Continue working on your Chapter 4 booklet tonight as we missed some class time due to our Grade 9 immunizations in the morning. Introduced Chapter 4 task --working in random groups to research and teach the class an aspect of the Collective Rights.
Writing Prompt:
Is an apology for the actions of past Canadian governments and the honoring of the treaties enough or do we as a society need to find a way to make up for what happened to the First Nations peoples?
February 13, 2017
Source Analysis and working on Chapter 4 booklet questions (end of Question #21).
February 10, 2017
Work on your Chapter 4 booklet. Complete questions till #16 in Chapter 4 booklet for Monday.
February 9, 2017
Source analysis of treaties today. Complete questions till #16 in Chapter 4 booklet for Monday.
February 8, 2017
Introduction Chapter 4 Videos. Students practiced their annotation skills - watch the video first; watch the video a second time and make notes and ask yourself questions. Check your journal notes and make additions based on the pictures below.
Introduction Chapter 4 Video Annotation Skills |
Francophone Collective Rights Video |
February 7, 2017
Chapter 4: Collective Rights introduction.
Focus Questions:
1. What laws recognize the collective rights of First Nations peoples?
2. What collective rights do official language groups have under the Charter?
3. What laws recognize the collective rights of Metis?
1. affirm
2. anglophone
3. annuity
4. assimilate
5. autonomy
6. collective identity
7. Collective Rights
8. entrenching
9. ethnocentrism
10. First Nations
11. francophone
12. Indian
13. Indian Act
14. inherent rights
15. Official Language
16. Official Language
17. patriate
18. publicly funded
19. Reserve
20. scrip
21. sovereignty
February 6, 2017
Good work with peer edits and revisions! Final draft of Fake News Essay due on Tuesday. Please have the essay printed and peer assessments attached.
February 2, 2017
Essay rough drafts must be completed and ready for peer edits on Monday.
All essay should be doubled spaced and typed in default font and size.
Arial size 10
Calibri size 11
Times New Roman Size 12
February 1, 2017
9-3 Good work with your conclusion paragraphs today. We had a fantastic start with our writing conferences and will finish on Thursday. By the end of the day today, you should have 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. We will work on the introduction paragraph on Thursday. Keep writing!
January 31, 2017
Worked on our essay's body paragraphs utilizing details and examples. After that we went through how to revise a bad conclusion. Remember- you cannot start tomorrow until you show Mr Yeats or Mrs Atwal a finished worksheet.
January 30, 2017
Good writing and revising today with sentences to enhance details; description; and attention to vocabulary. Take this work and improve upon your body paragraphs for Tuesday.
January 27, 2017
Work on your body paragraphs for your essay.
January 26, 2017
Be ready to write your 3 body paragraphs on Friday. Your planning sheet should be completed to support your writing process.
January 25, 2017
Chapter 3 Essay Question discussion and planning. Be ready for researching on Thursday. If you are participating in the Sports Pro field trip be ready to start essay outlining on Friday.
January 24, 2017
Today we talked about how to generate broad yet distinct main ideas for our essays. We then listened to the Planet money podcast about Fake News, did a questcussion of the issues raised.
See link:
January 23, 2017
Review Chapter 3 Case Studies.
January 18, 2017
Guest speaker -- tribunal chair for the Alberta Human Rights Commission shared experiences and procedures around employment discrimination cases. As well, we viewed a few informative handouts explaining and examples of discrimination.
Re-visited Read Theory with the students. All students are encouraged to do Read Theory passages 2-3 times a week to support reading comprehension and test taking skills. Students have a log in and with the password hdcartwright2016.
Here is the link:
January 17, 2017
Complete The Chapter 3 Inquiry - except for the last question.
January 16, 2017
Completed Lotus diagrams for Charter Case situations. Discussed in class -if you were away today check in with a peer.
January 12, 2017
Great start to case study presentations! We will continue with remaining groups on Friday!
January 11, 2017
Complete your Case Study Research tonight and be ready to present on Thursday.
Case Research Assignment
at the Charter of Rights to figure out what right you think is involved. Then
write your opinion.
your answers online at
To find out what the court decided, go to Inside The Charter, find the section
of the Charter that applies, and then look at “Case Law” for that section.
There is a separate Case Law section for each part of the Charter.
January 10, 2017
One Period - Robert Thirsk High School Presentation
One Period - Charter of Rights and Freedoms Violation or Not? worksheet. If you did not complete in class please do for homework.
Link to Charter:
January 9, 2017
Reviewed Eye Spy Charter activity. Completed journal response with brainstorming completed in class to the question: "Is it possible to give all rights to all people without infringing on someone's rights?" Your paragraph is due on Tuesday.
January 6, 2017
For Humanities: complete missing assignments this weekend.
January 5, 2017
Watched and annotated two videos introducing and explaining The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
January 4, 2017
If you did not finish your Take a Look Back at 2016 & Look Ahead to 2017 please complete tonight in your journals. Homework check on Thursday. As well, started Chapter 3 - The Charter of Rights and Freedoms with looking at what is a right; what is a freedom; what is the difference between right and freedom; and what right or freedom do you most value? Good work 9-3/9-4 in our learning circles today and feeling comfortable sharing your opinions and perspectives.
January 3, 2017
December 14, 2016
Worked on final novel projects. Completed novel quiz and group self assessments in Google forms. Novel projects due on Friday.
December 13, 2016
Worked on final novel projects today.
December 12, 2016
Introduced final Spirit Bear Book task - due on Friday. Be creative and reflect on who you are. Come prepared with supplies that you need to get you started on building your totem pole on Tuesday. Chapter 2 Assessment on Tuesday.
December 9, 2016
For Monday: completed YCJA paragraph and Chapter 2 questions. Touching Spirit Bear groups finish the book and be ready for your last literary circle meeting. Your final project will be introduced at this time.
Chapters 1-13: Audio Chapters
Chapter 14- 28: Audio Chapters
December 8, 2016
Good work today with peer editing your YCJA paragraphs. Paragraphs and completed Chapter 2 booklets due on Monday.
December 7, 2016
9-3: Bring in your draft YCJA paragraph for peer and teacher edits on Thursday. Chapter 2 Test on Tuesday please complete given booklets for review on Monday.
Touching Spirit Bear groups finish reading the book for Monday. Monday will be your last literary circle meeting and the final project will be started.
Chapters 1-13: Audio Chapters
Chapter 14- 28: Audio Chapters
Christmas Countdown:
There's lots to do, so to keep up to pace here's a list of what's coming
- December 6 - TSB & Ender's Reading/ Research project Paragraph
- December 7 - TSB & Ender's Reading/ Paragraph revision
- December 8- TSB & Ender's Reading/ Justice Conference
- December 9- Reading Buddies
- December 12- Final Lit Circle/ Chapter 2 review
- Research Paragraph DUE
- December 13- Chapter 2 Test/ Lit Circle Project
- December 14- Lit Circle Project / Ender's Game
- December 15- Ender's Game
- Lit Circle Project DUE
- December 16 - Christmas Activities
Touching Spirit Bear groups continued sharing their working in their literary circles. We will continue reading the book on Tuesday.
Researching YCJA cases and completing a written response for next Monday. This week will be given for researching and composing a written response. Find a case you can discuss and critically analyze.
December 1, 2016
Most Touching Spirit Bear groups read to Chapter 14. Be ready with your literary circle task completed to present on Monday with your groups. As well, work on your RESULTS - Citizenship; Personal Development; and Character. You need specific CORE examples as outlined in the template given to you today. We will be editing your RESULTS on Monday.
November 30, 2016
Ender's Game and Touching Spirit Bear groups read in class today. Students continued working through the Chapter 2 questions in their booklets. Questions #1-10 completed today. Questions #11-20 should be completed for homework if not completed in class.
November 29, 2016
9-3: Completed a chart on consequences young people face when they break the law. Page 66-67 in the Socials textbook.
November 28, 2016
9-3: Finished Court and Jury notes. Touching Spirit Group continued with Literary Circles today.
November 24, 2016
Touching Spirit Bear - Read to Chapter 5 today. Next Literary meetings will be on Monday. Complete your task and be ready to present.
Continued notes for running of the court system and purpose/selection of jury members.
November 23, 2016
9-3 Touching Spirit Bear groups completed first discussion meetings and shared their learnings. On Thursday we will continue reading the book. As well, we started discussing the court system and the role of juries. Check out this link:
November 22, 2016
9-03 Touching Spirt Bear groups completed literary tasks as a group in class and will be ready to discuss on Wednesday. We reviewed Chapter 1 test and test taking strategies.
Enders Game Reading period Wednesday, be ready for discussion on Thursday.
November 21, 2016
9-03: Literary Circles: Ender's Game - students completed their first meetings. Touching Spirit Group read Chapters 1-2 and first meeting will be on Tuesday.
Touching Spirit Bear Audio:
Note: Some chapters do not directly correlate to text in novel.
Started Chapter 2 questions in given booklet. Complete questions #1-4 for Tuesday.
November 18, 2016
Ender's Game groups you have your first Lit Circle meetings on Monday. Make sure you have your task finished.
November 16, 2016
Literary Circle Roles and Responsibilities |
Chapter 2 Vocabulary Walk |
November 15, 2016
Completed Chapter 1 Test. Journal Page for "What does Justice mean to you?".
November 10, 2016
Chapter 1 Test on Tuesday. Use the Chapter 1 Review Booklet to support your studying this weekend. As well, your Zombie vs Unicorn story is due Thursday.
November 9, 2016
Reviewed Bill to Law. Work on your Chapter 1 review booklet and vocabulary. Test on Tuesday.
November 8, 2016
Chapter 1 Test on Thursday (MOVED to TUESDAY) Ensure you have completed your Chapter 1 review booklet as a homework check.
Great discussion on media and bias today. In your writing journals complete:
- Why is it important to recognize bias?
- Where do you see bias in the world around you?
November 7, 2016
Peer edits for one period and Chapter 1 review booklet for one period. Chapter 1 test on Thursday.
November 4, 2016
For Monday: complete draft of Unicorns vs Zombies short story and be ready for peer edits. As well as, good effort on your Remembrance Day posters and look forward to seeing the finished work on Monday.
November 3, 2016
For Monday: complete draft of Unicorns vs Zombies short story and be ready for peer edits.
Started Remembrance Day task --students are researching and completing a war poster.
November 2, 2016
Worked on Zombies vs Unicorns --first draft due on Monday. If you were absent, please come show us your planning pages and plot line. As well, started Chapter 1 review booklet (complete up to and including end of Page 3). Chapter 1 Test on Thursday, November 10. Start reviewing your notes and activities for this chapter.
November 1, 2016
For Wednesday complete the following:
- Bill to Law cut and paste worksheet
- 4 planning sheets for Zombies vs Unicorns
Wrote Veterans Remembrance Day postcards.
How does a bill become a law?
Bill to Law: You need to find a bill that is currently being
debated in Parliament. You need to know what steps are taken to bring a bill to
law. Use the following website as a
reference. You might want to review the website and take some notes/add to your
notes in your visual journal to support your learning.
October 28, 2016
Political Spectrum discussions today. Thank you for sharing your political party research.
Zombies vs Unicorns short story plot line for Monday.
October 27, 2016
Thursday: Double periods for Zombies vs Unicorns.
For Friday: Main characters outlined and plot line started. Plot line will need to be completed for Monday.
October 26, 2016
Today we did our CARS reading assessment. One finished you were to work on you Zombies VS. Unicorns setting and problem sheet. That should be finished for homework.
October 25, 2016
For Wednesday: hand in peer edit feedback checklist; first draft of Night Drive; and revised draft of Night Drive.
Political Party Research in class -- if you did not finish please divide and conquer the worksheet for Thursday.
October 24, 2016
Review Who are the Players in Government. Started work with Unicorns and Zombies short story writing task. Your first task is to identify setting (time and place) of your story.
October 21, 2016
For Monday, complete Who are the Players chart and your Fox 8 Assignment. Fox 8 and the Night Drive Character brief are both due.
October 20, 2016
Listened to Fox 8 and completed a story analysis. SEXC paragraph on theme of Fox 8 will be due on Monday.
October 19, 2016
- 1 Period to work on Character Brief due on Friday
- 1 Period to research Who are the Players - one more period will be given on Friday
October 18 2016
- Today we reviewed our short story cut and paste assignment.
- We then listened to Night Drive by Will F Jenkins. The story can be found here and the audio here (starts at 19:19)
Political Cartoon Analysis using this graphic organizer. Your political cartoon analysis due Tuesday.
Will review Short Story notes on Tuesday.
October 14, 2016
- Short story cut and paste notes must be done for Monday
History of Voting Rights Questions for Friday.
October 12, 2016
- Introduction to Short Stories Unit.
October 11, 2016
- Poem Analysis "The Road Not Taken"
- Student Vote - Where are you on the Spectrum?
October 6, 2016
904 - Today we talked about the origins of Orange Shirt day. Thank you to all those who participated. Today we talked about the political spectrum and completed the Student Vote "Where are you on the political spectrum" sheet. This gave us a great idea of where we stand at the start of the year to compare to at the end.
Congrats to those of you who passed the first homework check and earned a homework pass. I'll hand those out as soon as they arrive.
903 - Thank you for participating in our CREED walk. Your voice made your CREED come alive and you were proud of the task you completed.
Homework for Tuesday:
- Finish poem analysis for The Road Not Taken
- Government worksheet front/back
Writing Day
Journal Entry: NightJohn Reflection
Think about your thinking.....
- I'm wondering.....
- I'm wondering.....
- I'm noticing.....
- I'm figuring out....
- I just learned.....
9-3 Complete CREED task for Thursday.
Keep up with and finish at least one passage. The password is hdcartwright.
Read theory is set up for this year. Students logged in with their user ID and the student password is hdcartwright2016. New students completed the pretest and students from last year continued from where they left off last year.
Students were given a level of government research sheet to investigate the 3 levels of government federal, provincial, and municipal. As well, students did an in-class writing task to share their knowledge of laws in our society.
September 29, 2016
Homework for MONDAY:
- Completion of all song analysis - 2 sentences per song
- SEXC Paragraph - 1 song
- Put your work in Google Docs so it will be EASY to format into CD Cover
- Be prepared with your visual ideas
Upon arrival at school we did individual journal reflections:
1. What is your understanding of Treaty 7 now?
2. What did you notice?
3. What questions do you now have?
4. Impressions? Memorable moment? Emotion Provoked?
5. Take away.....
Check out Read Theory:
Read theory is set up for this year. Students can log in with their user ID and the student password is hdcartwright2016. New students will need to do the pretest , students from last year can continue from where they left off.
September 28, 2016
Poem Analysis: The Road Not Taken - by Robert Frost.
Homework for MONDAY:
- Completion of all song analysis - 2 sentences per song
- SEXC Paragraph - 1 song
- Put your work in Google Docs so it will be EASY to format into CD Cover
- Be prepared with your visual ideas
September 27, 2016
CREED Task - SEXC paragraph for one song.
September 26, 2016
Writing Day --students learned self-questioning strategy to analyze visual photographs.
Started our CREED playlist task. Students are asked to pick one of their songs and analyze it using one of the questions provided in a SEXC paragraph format for tomorrow.
We will be doing peer edits on this so this should be your top priority!
After that you need to have the two sentence write up for your remaining songs.
September 21, 2016
904- Finish Lesson 4 for grammar, SEXC paragraphs on the US president handed in first thing in the morning. Make sure you bring the 8-10 song playlist that embodies your creed.
903- SEXC paragraphs on the US president handed in first thing in the morning. Make sure you bring the 8-10 song playlist that embodies your creed.
Grammar Day! Word Origins: Greek Roots
Introduced SEXC paragraph format.
S - topic sentence
E - explanation
X - examples
C - connection/conclusion
Write a practice paragraph using SEXC to answer: Who do you think is more powerful the Prime Minister of Canada or the President of the United States. Use your notes from our reading yesterday and your annotated notes on the article.
Introduction to annotation:
September 19, 2016
Great work on your rants. We were super impressed.
After the presentations were finished we went over the ARTWARSS analysis for Invictus. Make sure you choose a great song to represent your creed!
September 16, 2016
Invictus poem read by Morgan Freeman.
Please complete poem analysis for Monday.
Homework for the weekend:
- Invictus Poem Analysis
- Be ready for your "Proud to be Canadian" Rant/Speech for Monday
September 15, 2016
Listened to "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman.
Students learned the strategy of ARTWARSS for poem analysis.
R- repeated words
T- tone
We also started analyzing Invictus. 903, think about the first viewing of the poem, 904 you should be working on your sheet
September 14, 2016
Today we started our Canada Rant. After watching the 3 videos you need to create a 30 - 60 second rant using these questions to guide you:
- What does being canadian mean to you?
- What makes you proud to be canadian?
- What is Canada known for?
The Rants will be due on Monday. If you choose to do a video or recording of your rant, it MUST be with you on Monday or you will do it live & in person.
September 13, 2016
Completed "Canada: What do you know?" and went over it in class.
Watched John Goodard's video: and set up our Bucket List #1-100.
September 12, 2016
Graffiti title pages should be done and taped to your visual journal. Today we started looking at our creed by looking taking notes to answer the following questions:
1.What is my
2. How does my creed impact my life?
3. How do outside forces affect my creed?
4. Do we have conscious control over it
or are we a product of our environment?
5. Where did my creed come from?
6. Does my creed stay the same or change
over time?
September 9, 2016
Students wrote a letter titled "Future Me" which we will open during our last class in June. Students should have their graffiti title page completed with their 3 writing prompts. Following are the prompts:
- I Dream Of......
- I Wonder......
- I Am Inspired by.....
September 7, 2016
Students discussed what is a CREED and began an activity to create their names in graffiti. We will continue this work on Thursday. Here is a link to our graffiti guide: