Monday, 31 October 2016

Week of November 1-4

Tuesday, November 1 - Picture Retakes; Biology Topic 3-5 Quiz

Wednesday, November 2 - Take your Child to Work Day; Unicorns vs Zombies Planning Sheets due

Thursday, November 3 - Early Dismissal (Student Progress Conferences)

Friday, November 4 - Early Dismissal (Student Progress Conferences)

CTF Rotations 2016-2017

Happy Halloween!

Thank you to all students for dressing up and participating in our Halloween costume day! Our Halloween door looks fantastic!

Friday, 28 October 2016

Wednesday, November 2 Take your Child to Work Day

Conference Manger Opens Saturday Morning

Conference Manger opens Saturday morning to book Parent-Student-Teacher conferences. Please take the time to book an appointment to come see us. We look forward to seeing you Thursday, November 3 (2:00-4:00pm and 5:00-8:00pm) and Friday, November 4 (1:30-5:30).

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

WE Scare Hunger

All students are encouraged to bring in a non-perishable food item by Friday, November 4. We will collect all items in the front office.

Please take a look at this video talking about Me to We's first initiative "We Scare Hunger":

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Thursday: HOJA Parent Evening

Healthy Hunger:

Thought for Tuesday

Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset. 

As you navigate your day - are you trying new strategies or sticking with strategies that you have learned in the past?

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Orange Shirt Day

Thank you to all students for wearing Orange and buying a button!

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Thursday: Orange Shirt Day

Orange Shirt Day Thursday!

All students are encouraged to wear ORANGE and buy a Every Child Matters button for 50 cents!!!!!

View this link: 
Some background:
·         Orange Shirt Day was inspired by Phyllis Webstad and her personal story of residential schools. If you would like to read the entire story to your class, it can be found at 
·         Residential Schools began in New France in 1620 but were short lived only running for about 60 years. They were reinstated in 1868 after Canada became its own country. In 1920, attendance at the schools became MANDATORY. The last residential school closed in the 1990’s.
·         Sept. 30 was usually the day that students (starting at age 6) would be taken to school. Boys stayed in school until 13 and girls until 16.  It was then illegal to access further schooling past residential schools.
·         It was the law that all FNMI children had to attend (after 1920) It is estimated that up to 40% of children who attended residential schools died within the first 6 months there
·         Believed that up to 90% of boys were sexually abused and 10% of girls
·         Physical and emotional abuse was also rampant and touched most students there
·         Speaking their traditional language, prayer and any other cultural traditions were banned and if a student was caught practicing these things the punishment would usually be severe.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Interested in Sir Winston Churchill IB Program ---see below.

Grade 9 Students: 2017/2018 High School Information

Sir Winston Churchill High School will be hosting two information sessions concerning the IB program at SWC.  Both sessions will be the same. 
-       Wednesday Nov. 16 at 5:30 pm in the Theatre
-       Tuesday Nov. 22 at 5:30 pm in the Theatre
-       Both sessions are approx. 1 hour long.  Then we stay for questions and discussion after.

The following information would be helpful for schools: 

Students living in Nolan Hill, Sherwood, Hamptons, Dalhousie, Varsity and Brentwood (west of Charleswood Drive) who wish to apply for IB at SWC do not complete an Area IB application.  These student should be designated to SWC based on their home address and will complete course selection forms to set them up for the IB program.  

Students living outside of those districts but in Area 1 apply through the Area IB application.  

Students living in Area 1 and wanting to attend an IB school in another Area, must apply through the Area IB application and submit it to Area 1 IB Coordinator.  It will then be forwarded to the other IB school. 

Students attending a special program such as French immersion or Gate and are living within SWC districts, should complete a transfer request form asking to return to their designated school – SWC   OR  the main office can simply designate them to SWC for grade 10.  They do not need to complete the Area IB application form.  

All grade 10 students registered at SWC for September will complete course selection sheets that will set them up for the IB program and apply for the actual program in November of their grade 10 year.